UMACANOA means, literally, "a canoe" In Portuguese and the concept of this BrazilIAN DMC couldn’t be more loyal to Its name: the goal Is to access places where larger boats can't reach. Solely ran and operated by Tami, UMACANOA wants to Invite you to see Brazil beyond the stereotypes, through the eyes of our true richness, our people (nature’s gifts are just an added bonus).

‘We believe Brazil will naturally win you over If you just allow yourself to see beyond - this giant of a country Is Intrinsically captivating, Intriguingly complex, and we have the keys to unveil It In the most meaningfully exciting ways.’
What wrong assumptions do people make about Brazil?
‘Most pungent one is for sure regarding social violence, which does exist and is a reality, but is focused almost exclusively in big cities, and even then, far from the touristic areas. Second is related to diseases such as malaria or yellow fever: there are no mandatory vaccines to enter Brazil, which is a statement in itself.’
What is something visitors to Brazil can't leave without seeing?
‘I will have to go with the Amazon forest on this one, as it's urgent that all of us as a society start understanding the importance of standing up for that land, and there's no better way of becoming an advocate for the forest than seeing it first-hand. A quick "fun fact" is that the Amazon makes up for 60% of Brazil's territory, and there are many different regions and ways of seeing it..’
What is your favourite view?
‘The sunset from Lençois Maranhenses National Park. This area is still fairly unknown to international tourism - even for Brazilians it's not massively visited, but it's rapidly changing - and it's an out-of-this-world landscape in the most literal sense. Like a Star Wars scenery one can't believe, of fresh-water blue and green lagoons amidst white sand dunes. The geography of this region is one-of-a-kind in the world, so pretty much any view here is just as unique.’
‘"There's no place like home" was a saying that only made sense to me when I went to live elsewhere. While attending university in the USA, and being the only Brazilian on campus, I realized how little people knew of my home and just how special it is. Brazil is, for me, one of the most complex societies there are and one of those that are key to understanding human history and therefore its present. I saw in tourism the opportunity to reach further, not travellers but my own people - they are the essence of the country and of each trip.’
– Tami Larripa