Studio Wanderwell is a lively and curious travel and experience design studio with a mission to help people make the most of their time off. No two trips are ever the same; we invest our time, experience, creative energy and use our brilliant connections across the world to design trips that are filled with your personality.

‘Designing a trip that you know a client is going to love is like finding the perfect gift for your best friend. It is the best feeling!’
What small things make a big difference to the client experience?
“Really getting to know our clients, right from the start, and getting under the skin of what makes them tick so that we can fill the trips we plan with their personality, not ours. Many of our travellers are repeat clients, and some even work with us on an annual retainer to plan all their travel. We love this because it allows us to build an even deeper relationship with our clients and increasingly, we can anticipate their needs and priorities even better than they can themselves!”
Can you share your best travel hack?
“Travel in the shoulder seasons! I often try and encourage clients to think about travelling in the sweet spot between the low and peak seasons – especially when they have champagne aspirations and more like beer budgets! The tangible benefits of travelling in these times for clients are lower rates for accommodation and air fares, easier to come by reservations and fewer crowds. But encouraging people to travel at different times of the year helps local restaurants, guides and hotels to maintain an income outside the peak seasons too. So it’s a win for everyone!”
What is your favourite view?
“The view from the top of Alpe di Colonno on Lake Como. Most people only see this famous lake from the lakeside…but heading to the top of one of the area’s highest peaks and looking down on the whole lake from up in the sky is another level of awesome. The climb up there also builds an appetite to enjoy a feast when you make it back down to the lakeside!”
“When a client gets home relaxed and buzzing and asks us where to go next, we know we’ve got it right!”
– Sarah Bentall