Taking its name from the genus of a beautiful and rare South American bird, Antilophia offers a boutique luxury travel service, delivering carefully crafted luxury travel experiences within Africa, the Indian Ocean, Latin America & Antarctica. drawing inspiration from arts and culture, gastronomy, music, landscapes, and history, they specialise in connecting her clients to inspiring and authentic destinations in the most breath-taking places on earth.
CONNECT WITH lucy & john

“We have extensive knowledge of the regions in which we specialise in and we're continuously revisiting them in order to offer our clients life enhancing experiences as well as up-to-date and little-known insights into the regions they are so passionate about.”
Where is one of the most incredible places you have been to?
“Fernando do Noronha, a volcanic archipelago over 200 miles off Brazil’s northeast coast.
Its jagged coastline with its hard-to-reach beaches surprises and delights at every cove corner and with some of the best diving I have experienced, in the archipelago’s marine national park. Many years ago, when I first visited the island, the DMC didn’t turn up at the airport. Fortunately, I had met two flamboyant Conde Nast photographers on the plane, and they took me under their wing. The three of us explored every nook of that island from dawn to dusk each day, an experience I will never forget!”
Describe your most amazing wildlife encounter…
“Waking up at sunrise in the Torres del Paine National Park and seeing a large male puma come sauntering past our cabin, we could have literally touched it from our window. We were far too over excited that we didn’t manage to think about grabbing our camera from across the room in that moment!”
What’s the best road trip you’ve ever been on?
“Driving through Salta and Jujuy province in Northwest Argentina. The landscapes are out of this world and change so much in a few hours of a drive from low valleys to the windy highlands, to lush green mountains, to multi coloured mountains and the dry altiplano (puna). It’s also a province producing exceptional high-altitude wine from boutique vineyards, so when driving through the Cafayate wine region you can stop off for a wine tasting or lunch en- route.”
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
– Mark Twain