Cream Travel was set up almost before the Internet existed, when people truly valued personal experience and human Interaction when It came to booking a holiday. All those people have stuck with us and we have arranged more than 50 holidays for some clients. Our expertise Is born from these many years of experience.

‘Creating the most Incredible memories for people through their travels, knowing that holidays can be some of the most formative and precious times of their lives Is what drives me and gives me the greatest pleasure Imaginable.’
Who is your favourite travel companion?
‘My favourite travel companion is my husband, Jeremy, because once he has got over having to stand in a few queues at airports (not his forte) we are always on the same agenda wanting to do exactly the same thing. But escapades with my nursery school friend Vic are always the funniest and we become incapacitated with laughter.’
What has been your biggest travel mistake?
‘Booking myself and my then brand-new boyfriend (now husband, amazingly) on flights to St Barths on the wrong day, so when we turned up to check in we were three days late. Thankfully, I haven't done anything that bad for any clients.’
Where is the most exotic destination you have been to?
‘Exotic is a hard one to define: Morocco is quintessentially exotic and it never fails to enthral me, even though I have been there about 10 times. I think Peru follows closely behind, especially the Sacred Valley because it has such an air of mystery to it, in a very spiritual way.’
‘I have been immensely privileged to travel so much of the world and witness the benefits travel brings to so many much less fortunate communities. It Is a totally addictive job.’
– Roz Webster